group program
A 3 month membership to help you reconnect to what really matters: You
Begins February 2025
What if you could move through the world so present, so full of gratitude, so honest with yourself?
What would it feel like to trust yourself more than anyone else?
What if nothing could shatter your peace because you are so anchored into what truly matters to you?
What would it feel like to have wiggle room in your day so when that extra stuff comes in, like an unexpected gust of wind you either take it on with confidence, or you set a boundary that makes sure you aren’t abandoning yourself?
What if no matter where you were, you felt like you were at home?
welcome to
The Homecoming
a 3 month membership to help you connect to what really matters: You
Can you think back to a time when you were little, when you didn’t have a care in the world?
A time when you picked out an outfit that didn’t match and immediately got it dirty with melted popsicle and dandelions stains? Can you think back to a time where you didn’t hold yourself back from speaking about what mattered to you most, even if it didn’t matter to anyone else?
This is the purest form of connection to self.
This is what we’ve
The Homecoming is your invitation to reconnect with the most raw, unfiltered, and vibrant version of yourself—the one you’ve always been. Even if life has taken you off course, the path home is still there, waiting for you to step back into your power. To find your way.
Each module is called a chapter for good reason.
I want this membership to feel like a juicy book you don’t want to put down. But when you do put it down you can’t wait to get back to it and see what happens next. And the most exciting part is that this book is one about your very own life.
The life you are creating every single
The life you get to choose for
What’s Included in Your Membership
7 Group Sessions
Beginning February 4th, we’ll meet every other Tuesday night at 7pm for an hour long workshop where I’ll introduce the theme that we’ll play with over the following couple of weeks. It will also be an opportunity to receive coaching, share anything you’re working on or celebrating. The 7th call will allow us to integrate the themes, and celebrate your growth.
12 Weekly Mini Yoga Sessions
Beginning February 7th, we’ll connect every Friday morning at 8am for a thirty minute movement session. This is the perfect opportunity to pause the busyness of your mind and touch base with that deeper wisdom inside of you. The present theme will always be included as a way to explore it with more curiosity and embodiment. Journals and coffee are always welcome.
Group Chat
I know the last thing you need is more bings on your phone. But this WhatsApp chat group can be the exact support group that will remind you why you wanted to set boundaries with your phone in the first place. When done intentionally, the connection made amongst group members can give you bonus shifts that you didn’t even know you needed.
Flexibility and Ease
Life is overwhelming enough as it is. Signing up for a membership like this should not add to your plate, but rather help you think about what you even want to have on your plate in the first place. Everything is optional, and all calls are recorded. You can show up live or tune in later—whatever fits your life. Or the life you are creating.
Your why and your values
Investigate any disconnect
Acceptance of the ebb & flow
Your hopes and dreams
Quiet the outer voice to hear your inner wisdom
Intuition and inner knowing
Trust (self, body, instincts)
Communication (honest and authentic relationships with others)
Living with curiosity and wonder
Music (a playlist for your life)
Create for the sake of creating (and let go of the outcome)
Surprise yourself
Rewrite the story (rest = productivity)
Importance of the pause
R&R done your way
Put yourself in a time out
Co-creating with the Universe involves you being an active participant
Investigate any fears
Actionable steps towards your goals/hopes/dreams
The whole point is to live a life unattached to others’ beliefs, goals, opinions and to live one so attached to yourself
When we create a disruption to our life we create a life of freedom
Tell your story
Arrive home
Disruption is the spark for change. It doesn’t have to be huge or loud; even subtle shifts can create profound impact. And to do that in community, over the course of 3 month, will create an even bigger ripple effect in your life.
The original 6-week program was transformational, but inner work needs spaciousness. By expanding to 3 months, the Homecoming offers the time and flexibility to honor your ebbs and flows.
This is your space to pause, reflect, and rewrite your story—one gentle step at a time.
Has an extremely full life but is ready to declutter and create space for what truly matters - and to first figure out what actually matters to her
Wants to gain confidence in her decision-making and trust in herself
Is open to taking lessons learned on the yoga mat into her daily life
Knows mindfulness is important but is ready for a more accessible, embodied approach
Is ready to start inching her way up towards the top of her own priority list
Is ready to quiet the guilt, worry, and overwhelm, and amplify her intuition and inner wisdom
Wants to shift her view of her body toward compassion and gratitude
The Homecoming
is for the woman who…
This isn’t about fixing yourself—because you were never broken. The Homecoming is about remembering, reconnecting, and reclaiming the parts of you that feel most true. It’s about creating space to breathe, reflect, and grow, surrounded by a supportive community walking similar, yet uniquely personal, paths.
You don’t have to have it all figured out to begin. You just need a willingness to show up for yourself, one small, intentional step at a time.
We start on February 4 and I can’t wait to have you!
3 months (February 4th-April 29th, 2025)
Tuesdays (every other week) from 7-8pm EST AND Fridays 8-8:30am EST
$122/month (must join for all 3 months) OR $366 pay in full